Learn all the specific physiologic reasons why water immersion and waterbirth work the way they do. Discuss "delivery" or birth techniques and tricks, like using pictures on the bottom of the tub to determine blood loss; reevaluate 2nd stage moves and maneuvers; shoulder dystocia in the tub; keeping water warm - why or why not; protocols, etc. Lots and lots of information, videos and studies from 25 years of research, experience and collecting data. Worth every penny!!This workshop is taught by Barbara Harper, whose expertise in waterbirth and gentle, undisturbed birth is widely sought in all areas of the globe. She has lectured in 43 countries, including many medical schools, nursing schools, midwifery programs and university women’s studies departments. Barbara has been interviewed by hundreds of newspapers and magazines and has appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows to talk about her work with waterbirth and gentle birth.
The class is $255 for providers, $125 for nurses, doulas, and childbirth educators, and $75 for pregnant moms or couples. It will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2009, from 9:00am - 4:30pm at the United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW Fifth Ave.
For more information, please call (954) 821-9125, or email Barbara Harper at